HIR Beach Sprints Rules
Updates published 25 January 2025
The Match will be run under the World Rowing rules, with the exception of any variations specifically referred to in these Rules.
The Match will be open to teams representing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. However, with prior agreement of the GMC, arrangements can be made whereby other nations will be invited to participate.
The events held will be determined at the Autumn meeting of the GMC but will usually include:
Coastal Men’s Solo (CM1x)
Coastal Women’s Solo (CW1x)
Coastal Mixed Double Scull (CMix2x)
Coastal U23 Mixed Double Scull (U23 CMix2x)
Coastal Junior Men’s Solo (CJM1x)
Coastal Junior Women’s Solo (CJW1x)
Coastal Mixed Junior Double Scull (CJMix2x)
The Host Nations should select 6 athletes into the Senior Team and 4 athletes into the Junior Team.
Substitutions due to illness or injury can be made to the Match Director after submission of entries (Monday before the regatta). An athlete may be permitted to double-up at the event, subject to the approval of the President of the Jury, if they are to replace an athlete at the Match that cannot race due to illness or injury.
The course shall follow that as prescribed in the World Rowing Rules of Racing.
Surname and Country Code on kit is essential, as per World Rowing Rules.
JUNIORS Juniors shall conform to the following definition:
‘A Junior oarsman/oarswoman is one who has not attained the age of 18 years before the 1st September of the calendar year preceding the year of competition’.
1st =4 pts; 2nd =3 pts; 3rd =2 pts; 4th =1 pt.
No points are scored by a crew that is disqualified, or that fails to complete the course by reason of its own accident. Crews dead-heating will share the points for the places involved i.e. equal 1st means 3 ½ pts each. In the event of only one entry in an event, no medal will be awarded.
In an event where only 3 crews are entered, then the points shall be: 1st =3 pts; 2nd =2 pts; 3rd= 1 pt.
In an event where only 2 crews are entered, then the points shall be: 1st = 2 pts; 2nd = 1 pts
If only 1 crew is entered, then 1 point is awarded (but no medal).
One Trophy (The Guin Batten Trophy) will be awarded to the nation that wins the most points from both its Senior and Junior crews.
In the case of a tie, the trophy shall be awarded to the nation with the greatest number of 1st places. If a tie still results, the trophy shall be awarded to the Nation whose Senior Mix2x occupies the higher position in the race. Any invited guest nation shall be ineligible for the medals or points.
The Team Manager of the winning team should return the trophy won by their team, no later than the day preceding the next match, suitably engraved and polished.
The Host Nation shall appoint the President of the Jury and shall ensure that the racing is controlled by duly qualified officials. Visiting teams must nominate one umpire each, not later than four weeks prior to the event, to the Match Director. Teams are responsible for the accommodation/travel costs of their nominated umpires.